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Skyblue Lesson Plans


  • This section is for Skyblue Students who come along to classes, you can only reach this area via the Members Only Login area

  • Sign up to the Members Only section and join in with discussions

  • Scroll down to see a variety of topics that we have covered. These lesson plans can be also printed so you can practice at home.  Jane shares her expertise with you and we go through them in more detail in class.

  • If you want them on your iPad at class, click on the chosen lesson plan, it will open. Click again on the screen and it will ask if you wish to view in 'iBooks'. For other devices you can save to a folder. 

  • Once you have this you will be able to save each lesson to your iPad and then bring it with you to class or have it when you need it. Leave your feedback on the Members Only Section



All lesson plans are copyright Jane Denman, Skyblue Art Classes 2016 and are for the sole use of Skyblue Students

Beginners - Shopping for Art Materials

If you already attend classes but want to see which art materials you have or need to get then check out the 3 lists made by Jane (click on the image)

Drawing Materials 

Acrylics Art Materials

Watercolour Art Materials

Choosing paper for Watercolour

February 2016

Which paper and texture and size do you need for class when you use watercolour paints? Its confusing so Jane has tracked down a simple explanation here


You can use the paper too for acrylics - saves time and money :)


Printmaking for Xmas Cards

November 2016

Giving hand made Christmas cards beats all of the others on the mantelpiece. Jane gives her tips for equipment and how to get started with stunning designs here....

Capturing colour for autumn

October 2015

Leaves are falling and the colours are starting to turn. We take a look at autumn colour in class with a still life in acrylic and watercolour. A while back we tried this fun project.....

'Images' for Classes

August 2016

If you have just signed up to Skyblue Art Classes or want to know what to bring to the class to paint from, i.e. an image, read Jane's tips on how to do this here...

October 2016

Putting a black and white photo into a painting is another unusual start for a painting. Jane gives her tips on what you need to do this and it is surprisingly simple......

Cheating Perspective

August 2016

Drawing buildings is rewarding but then there are so many angles and windows. Read how you can work all of these pesky angles out simply so that you achieve your own perspective within minutes. Jane explains more here

Top 10 tips for Arty August

July 2016

Stuck for ideas in August? Check out Janes top 10 to do list to get you up and running with painting and drawing

August Projects

July 2016

Want to paint over August? Jane gives you her tips for a still life in this short lesson plan here....

Overpainting & Collage

Starting out painting? Finding things confusing with acrylics? Jane's lesson plan takes you through a few steps using acrylics

Quick Lesson Plan for the advanced

June 2016

A spare hour or two to paint? Jane gives you a short lesson plan gives you the subject (Figures & Backgrounds) and suggested colours for you to whizz through this

Greeting Cards

March 2016

Fancy getting your artwork onto a greeting card? Perhaps you would like to try and sell a few in the Worthing Open House Exhibition? Jane takes you through how to go about this with this lesson plan

Cloud Perspective in Acrylics

March 2016

Getting a sky to look realistic has several components: a graded wash sky and clouds that have perspective. Jane goes through the points of how to do this in her lesson plan

Seascape in Acrylics

We take a look in class at how to get an effective seascape in acrylics. Inspired by the artist Dave White, Jane goes through what you will need and how to approach it with  her lesson plan 

September 2016

Top tips for having an image printed onto a gift. If you are stuck choosing your favourite painting on a mug, phone case or pencil case tin (there are more to choose from too) or simply need to have a few pointers then read here how to do it ....

Inspiration for Borde Hill Gardens

1 June 2017

Coming on the Borde Hill trip? Nervous about what to draw or paint? Jane gives her top 10 tips for painting and drawing outdoors.

Colour Wheel for Class

This essential colour wheel is available for you to print out (heavyweight paper is best). Two files for two A4 pieces of paper. Print and join with sellotape! Dont forget to bring along to class. You could buy the excellent book that it derives from too :)

Colour wheel 1

Colour wheel 2

November 2015

Getting the eyes 'right' in a portrait can be tricky. We investigate in class how to do this with acrylic and watercolour. Jane gives a few of her top tips for painting eyes here

Drawing Ellipses

November 2015

If you are new to drawing you may have sat at home and tried to draw a cup, glass or bottle. If you had a few problems it may have been with those pesky ellipses! Jane gathers a few tips together to sort this out

October 2015

We take a  look at painting portraits in class, where do you start when using watercolour? Jane looks at artist Charles Reid and his loose watercolour portraits to inspire. Read her lesson notes 

September 2015

One of the class requests was to 'draw the figure and Degas ballet dancers'. Drawing the figure can be challenging. Read on to read Jane's starting out tips to get you on track.

If the idea of 'overpainting' fills you with joy then adding collage too will really get the creative juices flowing.  A great way to start the September term, read Jane's tips and what to bring

July 2015

As we are starting a group project of birds in a tree, how do you go about drawing a bird? Jane gives some tips for those starting out...

July 2015

We investigate in class how to develop techniques for areas such as grasses, trees and rocks using watercolour and simple printmaking techniques....

July 2015

In class we look at the artist Sir Cedric Morris who painted irises and grew them too! Drawing flowers can be a bit daunting when you are starting out but Jane gives some tips on getting started....

June 2015

It may sound a little obvious but having the right equipment to hand when trying new techniques helps enormously, especially when it dries in the summer heat! Jane discusses what you need to achieve beautiful watercolour effects.....

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June 2015

Jane gives her tips on how to set about painting skies with watercolours. Skies set the mood and atmosphere for so many scenes.....

Mixing Greys and Browns

Read Jane's notes about mixing greys and browns and then click on the picture for colour charts and watercolour info

May 2015

The 2nd class focusing on portraiture, this time we are looking at techniques that help you achieve a likeness. Read Jane's class notes and tips about how to go about this

Jane reviews which Acrylic sets are best buy and buying them online can save you money. Great for the Painting Skin Tone and portraits projects as it has the recommended basic palette and more

May 2015

As we have a go at painting portraits, just how do you get started painting skin tones? Jane gives her tips with a basic palette of colours

Painterly technique in Watercolour

We explore in class a fascinating way of applying watercolour, here are Jane's notes to help you

April 2015

In class we look at "lifting off and painterly application". For more details of what exactly are transparent and staining watercolours .... 

Download the seascape image for the video

April 2015

Want to paint the seascape in the video? Here you can find the inspiration photo and the finished painting by Jane


March 2015

So answers on a postcard please! If you are thinking about entering the postcard Little Painting Challenge you may be thinking to yourself, what is the ultimate image to put on a postcard?

This BBC challenge is now closed :)

Introduction to Collage

February 2015

We love our Thursday mornings where we choose 'collage' for the theme but if you have never had a go before or thought it was just for 5 year olds then read on! 

March 2015


In class we delve into the world of colour regularly. Here you can read about the colours: yellow and violet with a project at the end. As well as looking at these colours we explore one way of applying paint to surface. All abilities covered!

Loosening Up

February 2015

Want to inject something new into your painting or drawings? Maybe you are just starting out and want to know how to be creative with paint or just to draw. Read Jane's tips on how to squeeze your creativity out of you in minutes!

April 2015

Sometimes it is tricky seeing everything that happens in class, Jane decided to do a video for you. Don't forget to turn your sound up!

Seascape Video part 2

April 2015

The middle and end parts of the seascape, demonstrated by Jane

Download the seascape image for the video

April 2015

Want to paint the seascape in the video? Here you can find the inspiration photo and the finished painting by Jane

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Skyblue Art Classes, affordable art classes for adults in the Worthing area of West Sussex, U.K


Tel: 07779 499294 ask for Jane/leave a message

Teaching Locations: Heene Community Centre Worthing Sussex UK

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