We have two Saturday workshops, Easter Saturday and 21 April, dedicated to drawing with pastels. Watch me explain in a video from my studio the beautiful pastel paper that is included in the price of the workshop. It was a new experience for me to try out the Colourfix pastel paper and after hearing that as well as being a great surface, it could all be washed off if necessary, I was keen to try it out.
My conclusion so far? Having used pastels before I know that when you apply pastels to 'pastel paper' it works for a bit but then you end up with a lot of pastel dust accumulating and it won't take any more colour. This paper works in a different way, it holds on to the pastels, blends really well with a brush and will take multiple layers. Finally, if you don't like the result you can use a spray bottle to wash it off (I tried this about 6 times and the paper is still just as good!)
Find out more about these pastels workshops here and enrol