We have been invited by Heene Community Centre to take part in their 2022 Summer Fayre on Saturday 11 June. Would you like to take part in some way? I thought it would be nice to try and fundraise for the Red Cross and the terrible situation in the Ukraine.
I feel the same as many of you, what can we do to help in this terrible war. So here are a few ideas and I would welcome any ideas you may have, do drop me an email or reply here!
The sunflower has emerged as a symbol of resistance for the Ukraine giving hope and solidarity in such terrible times. People are urged to plant sunflowers and I thought that we could get planting sunflower seeds to sell mini plants at the Fayre. If anyone has a greenhouse this will speed it along!
Decorate with acrylics plant pots for the sunflowers
Paint, draw, collage sunflowers as cards, small paintings to sell to raise money
Paint a cloth for the table with sunflowers - this would be a lovely group project!
Blue and Yellow are the colours of the Ukrainian flag so wearing these colours at the Fayre
Volunteers to help on Saturday 11 June just for an hour or so would be welcome
This initial idea came from Ley who sent me a beautiful sunflower and showed me the connection with the Ukraine.
We will start the project of painting/drawings in April/May in class. Do let me know any ideas you may have and if you are able to help out on the day. Many thanks