This year I thought it would be great to bring along a small dish for lunch to contribute to a Xmas type picnic in our art class room. We will celebrate this year by getting together after the morning class on 15 December and have our own buffet/lunch and art exhibition! I am also asking if you could bring along one favourite painting/drawing you have done this year, we will pin them up on the wall.
You do not have to have come to the morning class to be included, everyone who comes to a class is welcome.
Menu considerations! It would be nice if we could have some savoury and sweet dishes plus any drinks, soft drinks/alcoholic. I am looking into having some mulled wine available or non alcoholic too. We don't need to double up too much if possible.
If you have any dietary restrictions that would be good to know too.
May need the following: xmas table cloths, small decorations, I will supply paper plates and cups/napkins
Time: 12.15 onwards in our usual room at Heene
Date: 15 December you are ALL INVITED!
If you are able to come, could you please let me know if you are able to bring along a dish/drink, I will make a list that will save any doubling up and will post it here.
I do hope you can make it, it will mark a wonderful year and be so nice to see you all! Click skyblueart1@gmail.com send me an email with your details.