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  • Writer's pictureJane

Your assistance needed and a few tips from me

You may have noticed that the blog looks different, it is essentially the same except has a few new bells and whistles and it would be great if you could help 'test' it out with me! You are now able (I think) able to 'like' the blog post (i.e. this text and picture) and also "comment" on it. If you are reading this, could you give it a go? It will be interesting to see what happens.

I will still continue posting items of interest that come up regularly; this weekend is the start of the Brighton Open Houses and the main Brighton Festival 2019. Tip: if you are heading to Brighton this weekend take the train! There are roadworks from Worthing/Lancing area and the childrens parade takes over Brighton! To go to the Open House website click on the image, you will find lots of information about the open houses. I am in the Fiveways Area, Venue number 15, 31 Havelock Road (near Preston Park)

I am there on all Sundays except the last weekend.

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