Want to produce a colourful, abstract flower painting that you can hang on your wall or perhaps paint as a gift for a loved one? I am organising a one off special of two Wednesday mornings in June for intermediates who want to do a longer drawing and painting. The idea is to work from a summer still life of flowers over the period of two weeks. This will include working an initial drawing (1st Wednesday) to the final painting (2nd Wednesday).
You will be encouraged to work on a larger canvas than normal and to work in a more abstract way, aiming to produce a large colourful painting you can hang on your wall. I will go through the whole process and as usual there will be lots of tips and exciting ways of producing a vibrant piece alongside demos on how to go about this.
I will also send you ahead links and examples of other artists to inspire will be also sent to you upon registration.
June is a brilliant month for flowers, either from your garden in a lovely colourful jug or from your local florist.
Dates are:
Level: Intermediates or those who have been to classes for a little while
Wednesday mornings: 19th and 26th June, 10-12.30pm
Venue: Heene Community Centre, upstairs room
Reserve your place and go on the list by emailing info@skyblueartclasses.co.uk
What to bring: after reserving your place you will be added to the list.
Full details will be sent nearer the date by email but basically; any drawing equipment and paper and then acrylic paints and if you choose and or oil paints (no spirits will be used and specific directions will be given for what to bring) Please note oil paints are optional, if you have then and want to try them out great if not don't feel you need to buy them use acrylics instead
You will also need a canvas, details of the best and affordable canvases will be provided ahead of time of starting for the course
Cost: £38 for both classes payable on first Wednesday
Hope you can join this exciting drawing to final painting June special!
best wishes