It will be great fun and I think it would be nice to get a Secret Santa under way for the lunch its always good fun, of course this is optional don’t feel you have to take part with this.
This year it will be ‘Choose a colour’ this could be a small tube of watercolour, a coloured pen/pencil or anything that you can draw or paint with that has a colour - all for under £5
Wrap it up, don't put your name on it and we will put it in the sack at the lunch.
Friday 10 December at 12
Ami Bistro
Rowlands Road
The restaurant is walking distance from Heene Community Centre, its a lovely restaurant that can cater for our group (18 at the time of writing).
They request a £10 non refundable deposit each, so if you could give this to me in cash it makes it a lot easier. The £10 is not deducted from the final bill if you are not able to attend.
Join our Skyblue WhatsApp message board for more details nearer the day 07779 499294 and state your name, thanks
best wishes Jane