I am passing on these invites, two dates, the first is about the book and the second is having a go (at Hobbycraft). If you want to go, please contact Fleurie on the telephone number below and say you are part of Skyblue.
The dates and info has been forwarded as follows
Book promotion by the local Sussex Artist, Christine Forbes: We have pleasure in extending our invitation to include local art groups, inviting you to join us on 31st March at 12:15 - Worthing Leisure Centre (BN12 4ET). You will meet Christine & share her interactive story, leading to the publication of her illustrative book - where East meets West!

Other venues during April, if the 31st is not suitable for your members, is Christine's demo at Hobbycraft, Angmerring on Saturday 15th April from 14:00-16:00 (the venue is close to Haskins Garden Centre, where refreshments can be obtained). As time is short, please contact them on 01903 694657 (or leave a message) to indicate your interest. I really hope that some of your members will attend.